вторник, 1 июня 2010 г.

Independence of teen-moms

 I wonder when and how the independence is supposed to be earned by youngster in our days Russia. Women observed in a discussion, that 18 year old fresh mother is very unlikely  to stir from her mothers guidance concerning baby care. She lamented on hardships of the mommy wars (comically meaning bubby wars as it happends). I was startled. From my expirience mother is nearly last resourse of direct adwice (I do not speak of unconcience folowing of the practices) especially if she is 18. Actually the fact that she is an 18 year old mother in all probability suggests that she is not obeying her mother's wim, because it is  concidered socially unapropriate for a girl to procreate in thei age.
Still may be I have grown out of tune.